Photo Albums
Please note that all photos need to be screened and approved before we can view them on this web page. Thank you for your understanding and patients. We will do our best to get them screened so that all may enjoy.
3-day Cursillo Photos
55th Anniversary of Cursillo in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe
55 years of Cursillo de Christiandad in the Santa Fe Archdiocese
Cursillo De Cursillos #11 - March 8-11, 2012
50 Year Celebration Ultreya
Cursillo Ultreya & Annual Renewals
2000 Cursillo Annual Renewal
National Cursillo English Coordinator - Cef Aguillon visits ASF Santa Fe Cursillo Leaders
Shared Cursillo Photos - Uploads to this Album
De Colores!!!
2017 - Retreat in Pecos NM
Deacon Francisco Andres Carrillo Serving the Mass at the National Cursillo Encounter.
Deacon Francisco Andres Carrillo Serving the Mass at the National Cursillo Encounter.